Dragon's Quest (Dragon Princes Book 1) Read online

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  Chapter 13

  Jin Quan

  In the morning Jin Quan completed his ritual; he started the combined slow movements of Ti (kicking), Da (punching), Shuai (throwing), Na (controlling), Gi (hitting), and Ci (thrusting). He did this to keep his mind and body connected, working properly and aware of the world around him.

  He stood with his feet close together, turned his left foot pointing forty-five degrees outward, slid his right foot straight forward until it was a full step ahead of him, made wave movements with his hands, and put his feet together. He took deep and slow breaths. He started a series of kicks and punches.

  After that, he placed his feet one and a half shoulder widths apart, pointed his toes out slightly, bent his knees and sat back with his bottom, as if sitting down in a chair. He repeated those movements moving down and up slowly and smoothly. Then, he stood with his feet at a forty-five degrees angle to each other, took a small step forward with his right foot, rolled his left heel, the ball of the foot was down and the heel was up. He transferred the weight to the right foot and repeated the movement with the left side.

  Jin Quan completed the circuit to improve his physical ability, health, willpower, and prepared his mind and body to receive a new energy. He sat on the floor and sang a mantra capable of creating transformation, keeping his physical and spiritual body connected with earth and heaven.

  Added to his sorcery, he could stimulate any of the matrices: physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual. He influenced a person´s physical body to initiate either health or disease; in his case, he enhanced his own energy, stealing liveliness of another person because he didn´t care about people, he was just preoccupied with his own welfare. He reached a state of health, vitality, and youth.

  He could also manipulate air, earth, fire, wind and summon spirits of the deceased through words and sounds, which when expressed accordingly could provoke physical changes in others, earth´s meridian, astrological constellations, natural energies, guardians, spirits and beings that inhabit the mountains, forests, and waters. However, for this he needed a great amount of energy, and at that moment he didn´t possess enough.

  It had taken a long time; he got only part of the power, the other one was lost, and even summoning all his energy he had failed in his quest. For now he needed those women to keep his power, when he put together the dragon´s heart and eyes, he´d be able to refill his body by himself as many times as he wished or needed. Where were the eyes? Who knew their whereabouts? These were unanswered questions.

  A big red light ball formed in his palms, his heart beat fast, and anger flew through his fingertips to the ball; electricity ran and shook his itchy body. He maintained in that state a while, he felt detached, numb, motionless, and then he threw the light against the wall with an awful scream. Electricity went around the white walls, produced a pallet of colors that crackled, sparked, then died in the same way they were created. What a waste of energy, but Jin Quan couldn´t control himself.

  He got up, marched back and forth, scratching his jaw; he was angry with his inability to conclude his plans. Even using magic, the eyes´ location remained hidden. Jin Quan´s closed vision only saw the heart, things, or people that he knew the location of previously.

  An idea crossed his mind. He walked to the corner of the wall and unveiled a mirror. He studied the object inherited centuries ago from a former Emperor. The magical mirror, made out of solid bronze, had on its front a shiny polished surface used as a mirror while the back was a design cast in bronze.

  Jin Quan opened the curtains; the sunlight came into the room, reflected onto the mirror that became transparent and projected a picture onto the wall, the dragon´s heart. He had hidden the heart in the most inhospitable area of the world; no one would be able to go there. He hoped the mirror revealed the eyes´ position; he´s tried to find the eyes uncountable times, but the results were always the same, he just saw the heart.

  His fingers touched the picture; an electrical shock ran up through his fingertips to the palms and spread inside him; not power, just anxiety, desire, and disappointment. The heart without the eyes was useless; he had worked hard to get them but failed in the end.

  Recently, he had avoided the ancient memories and focused on the eyes´ quest, but he recognized there were lots of things to consider that he had put aside waiting for the day that someone might negotiate with him. It was time to focus his energies on figuring out how to uncover those objects.

  “I need to find the dragon´s eyes to get full power.” His voice sounded chunky, almost a snarl, his body twisted like a monster.

  Jin Quan spent all his existence searching for that supreme power, he wouldn´t settle and just be satisfied with immortality and the power to make some tricks now and again. He wanted more than a small palace lost in the middle of the jungle, servants, and wealth. He desired to control the world, all human and animal being, everyone would bow in front of his power and for that he´d need a woman to spend the eternity with him and give him an heir.

  Another idea settled in his mind. He got out and scurried to the dragons´ cave decided to solve that problem once and for all. He was too patient and merciful; it was time for a different kind of approach.

  He gathered power from each muscle; the tips of his fingers sparkled, electricity burned the vegetation where it reached the earth, leaving a trail where he stepped. The dragons got up and backed off as Jin Quan reached the cave entrance.

  “I´ll give you one last chance to tell me where the eyes are.” He pointed his sparkling fingers to them. “Don´t test me because I am not in a good mood.” He threatened the animals.

  The dragons remained in silence, kept their eyes on him, didn´t move any muscle either to attack or run away. They only gazed at him as if they were seeing a stupid plant. Their faces didn´t show any expression, their eyes blinked slowly, they seemed to be bored with his presence.

  His body tensed, Jin Quan was furious facing that insult. How could they ignore him? He clenched his fists, increased the concentration of power in his fingers and as quick as a shot reopened his hands and sent rays toward Liu. He engulfed the dragon in an energy cage, lifted him from the ground and left the dragon suspended in the air. Heavy and dark clouds covered them and blocked the sunlight.

  Liu squealed and fluttered his wings in a vain attempt at escaping. Jin Quan gritted his teeth, evoked more power and tightened the cage restraining Liu´s movements. The young dragon gasped and writhed; his wings folded and the dragon lost balance.

  “Stop!” His mother, Xuan, shrieked furiously and spat fire over Jin Quan, producing a great amount of smoke that surrounded them.

  Jin Quan sucked in and absorbed that energy, increasing his power. He threw his head back and laughed on seeing the dragons´ distress. Those stupid dragons never learn. They cannot fight Jin Quan. He was more powerful than those mythological creatures that might be indestructible.

  “Where are the eyes?” he grunted. “I can increase his suffering if it isn´t enough yet.” Jin Quan crowed as if his powers were limitless.

  “We don´t know. How many times have you tortured us? The answer will always be the same. I beg you to be merciful. Release him, please.” Xuan looked dazed, her tail waved to the sides and her paws stepped in the same place like a dance without rhythm.

  “Who knows?” Jin Quan insisted, he crossed his fingers, fire ran across the cage, burned Liu´s scales; a burned flesh smell arrived at their nostrils.

  He should thank Xuan for that extra power, it served to torture her son a little more and to tell the truth he liked to see that insignificant dragon suffering. Actually, he´d enjoy seeing that family destroyed.

  Xuan shook and lowered her head, tears fell from her eyes; she didn´t retort. Liu made no sound either, the dragon had fainted and his green leather burned in contact with the energy cage.

  Jin Quan hesitated for a moment. He wanted very much to kill that dragon; however, he might need him someday. He felt tired; as t
he dragon burned in the cage, it had consumed a great amount of power. His arms became heavy, it was hard to keep them lifted and stretched. The energy levels decreased, soon he wouldn´t have enough power to keep the dragons far from him. He tensed his muscles; the left hand held the right arm while he studied a way to escape from Xuan. At the moment he released her son, she might attack him, he needed a distraction.

  He threw Liu against the trees. Xuan turned her huge body toward her son. Jin Quan took advantage of the situation and her lack of concentration and shuffled along the trail to his room. Once in a while he looked back to be certain that the dragons weren´t following him.

  The way seemed longer and farther, his speed slowed and his vision blurred; he needed an enormous effort to reach his room and with an exhausted groan he held on to the furniture in order not to collapse on the floor.

  He failed again, those dragons didn´t know the eyes´ whereabouts or the mother would have told, she´d not risk her son´s life, he wondered, or would she to protect the dynasty?

  “I need to refill my energy,” he said to himself, his breath came in short and shallow gasps; his hands and legs felt weak and trembled, his nose bled.

  A knock on the door captured Jin Quan´s attention. Mary opened the door and came into the room without waiting permission. Jin Quan straightened his body and looked directly in her eyes.

  “Excuse me. Mr. Quan, do you need some help?” Mary´s face became pale when she saw him, horror stamped on her face. She stepped back, but before she left he gave her an order.

  “Bring me Samantha. Now!” he screamed.

  Mary widened her eyes; her mouth dropped open. She shut the door and Jin Quan heard her fast footsteps wandering off. He might look like a monster to scare Mary in that way but who cares?

  Chapter 14

  Fu Chow

  Fu Chow felt his skin burning under the scalding sun. His tongue glued to the roof of his mouth, and his lips cracked. He hadn´t died, but worse, he remained behind to face an excruciating and slow ending, that was his fate.

  He saw Wei change to his human form. His pupil writhed; Wei´s chest moved sluggishly, the movement was almost imperceptible, and his body seemed drained of power. There was a thin line between life and death. Wei needed to decide which side to choose, and Fu Chow had to help him to choose the life side even though he too was almost dead.

  First, he wet his lips and throat and saved the water for Wei. Then, he crawled over the hot ground to reach Wei´s weak pulse, trying to decide if it continued or stopped pumping blood through Wei´s veins forever. He lifted Wei´s head and dripped water into his mouth. “Poor man, you are exhausted, dehydrated, and sunburned.” He noticed indignantly; Wei´s skin started to peel.

  Pulling his coat, he put it under Wei´s head to cushion it and make him comfortable. He looked for the backpack and found it a few feet ahead, near the lake. An intense desire to give up tried to overcome him, it was easier to leave their future in destiny´s hands, just wait and see. He was so tired, so old, so… life had been evil to him, he didn´t deserve it, he dedicated all his life to his job and now there he was, moribund facing a painful death.

  The eyes of the jewel on his neck shone, capturing his attention. He didn´t know what really happened or how many minutes he stayed in a trance, but he realized that he was giving up too early and that wasn´t the correct attitude, not coming from a master. He banished those thoughts that convinced him to give up, stood up and moved his shaky legs toward the backpack.

  With a shirt tied around his head he put up a tent, dragged Wei to the shadow, refilled the bottles with water and ate a slice of bread and meat. At short intervals of time, he wet Wei´s lips and dripped water into his mouth. Defeatist thoughts flooded his mind, but Fu Chow kept his attention on his pupil.

  One day had passed when Wei recovered his consciousness and another two days for them be able to restart their trip. Wei kept mute during those days, maybe analyzing his options, he had two, one, go ahead, face all dangers and challenges, or two, give up, return to his quiet and peaceful life like a dragon in the glacial mountain. Fu Chow didn´t dare to ask anything or influence his choice. That moment and decision belonged to Wei; only he could decide his future. The master would respect it, wait his decision, and accept the outcome.

  He searched for a way to access Wei´s mind. Fu Chow was able to do this with the dragon´s mind, but in human form, he found resistance. Wei had created a barrier. He just revealed his tiredness and bad temper, in human form he couldn´t use the dragon´s power to refill his energy and in dragon shape there wasn´t enough food for him.

  “I have withheld part of the story, your story.” Fu Chow sighed and broke the silence. “This trip is a quest for your lost brother; we need him to begin the tasks. The Great Dragon gave me directions to find him.” Fu Chow stayed in silence for a second as Wei remained mute he went on. “I think you´ll remember your brother when you see him. You shared a lot of stuff, and something must have happened with him that affected you too.”

  Wei panted. “Let´s rush then; don´t leave him waiting. If you´re ready, I am too.” His voice had changed from interest to distress. Days ago, Wei would ask lots of question about his brother; at that moment it was irrelevant. Wei didn´t care if he had a brother or family, or house or somewhere to go, Fu Chow assumed.

  Wei was a good boy, he was only under stress because he didn´t realize how important this travel was; inwardly he should know that in his former life he would never risk his life for his brother and because of this Fu Chow´s words didn´t have any impact on him.

  After a brief consideration Fu Chow gathered their belongings and they took off. He closed his eyes, put aside all thoughts that could distract the dragon and kept his mind on the route they should follow, but it seemed not to disturb the dragon because Wei´s mind remained closed.

  Wei flew fiercely to cross the Red Sea and arrive near the Nile River where they camped during the night. The next day, they traveled across the Central Africa Republic. With the hot weather, they looked for shade during the day and travelled at night. They crossed Cameroon and went around to the Gulf of Guinea until Gambia. Always landing in the hottest hours of the day and travelling all night. They stopped in Gambia. Wei hunted, and at night they flew to Cape Verde. There, they spent two days resting, hunting and saving water and food, the hardest part of the trip would begin, to cross the Atlantic Ocean to Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, the shortest way.

  Using a map Fu Chow explained that part of the trip and shared some ideas to find the lost dragon. Wei, nevertheless stayed in silence, his words limited to asking directions or enquiring about Fu Chow´s needs. He didn´t enquire about his family, brother, life… anything. Fu Chow was worried about that denial behavior, but maybe the dragon just focused on his challenging job.

  At dawn they started the Atlantic Ocean crossing. The dragon used the warm air thermals to glide and save energy zigzagging in the sky, drawing figures in the fog as they left behind the security of the land and advanced into and over the ocean to a suicidal journey on the other side of the world.

  Two days had passed when Fu Chow awoke soaked under a downpour. The thick drops of water hurt his body. He gripped the dragon´s neck scales, leaned forward, and hid his head between his arms. The strong winds tried to snatch him from the dragon´s back once again.

  Wei flapped his wings strongly to gain altitude and escape from the cyclone, but the winds were stronger and he was unable to control his wings to provide a stable flight. Immediately, they plummeted down in the direction of the ocean, falling in a spiral motion.

  Fu Chow´s hands slipped from the dragon´s scales; the wind threw him far from Wei. He yelled for help, but even he couldn´t hear his own words. He fixed his eyes on Wei, the distance between each other increased. The dragon fought against the wind to maintain balance in vain. He continued to fall and spin fast; he disappeared in the middle of the storm. Fu Chow pricked up his ears hoping for any signal from Wei; the o
nly sound was the wind´s whistle.

  The wind shook Fu Chow violently, put him upside down, then span the old man like in a blender. His face´s muscles vibrated and turned numb, the limbs feeling as if snatched from his body; the pain grew unbearable. He made a supernatural effort to cross his arms in front of his chest to gain relief, the downward spiral motion and speed increased, but the pain diminished.

  Another dragon lost. Was the Great Dragon testing them? If they survived, would the Great Dragon give them the tasks? No, it was another kind of punishment, even if they survived, the next tasks might be harder, impossible to complete.

  The wind catapulted Fu Chow toward the cyclone´s eye at an incredible velocity; he thought that would be his ending when gentle claws clutched him. The dragon flew straight upward. An unusual mortal silence enveloped them. Fu Chow´s eyes burned, he blinked several times, his vision distorted with tears. He slid a little from the dragon´s grip, but Wei dug his claws firmly into Fu Chow´s ribs, making him gasp for air. Fu Chow was dizzy, motionless, losing consciousness, out of breath; the speed was very fast to him, to a human and fragile body.

  When he recovered, there was no sign of the storm. For a brief moment, he wondered in which part of the ocean they were; under the dark night he couldn´t see anything. He held his breath at the instant the dragon dived through the air to an inevitable crash on the beach.

  A thin layer of sand covered their bodies. Dizzily, Fu Chow tapped his arms to clean them while Wei puffed and covered them with smoke. Fu Chow wanted to help the dragon, but he couldn´t move his sore legs.

  “Are you fine?” he asked, but there was no answer, then he noticed the words were only in his mind. He searched for the dragon´s face in the middle of the fog, looked for any signal that revealed Wei´s condition.